SMX East New York Recap – Day 2

Have you read my Day 1 Coverage of SMX East?  Check it out first, then come ready Day 2 Coverage followed by Day 3 Coverage!

Day 2 of SMX saw me speaking on a panel and Q&A Moderating another, it was a busy day and a HUGE amount of Microdata and Markup information was shared.

If you have access to the slides, you should take a look.  If you don’t have access to all of them, take a look at my slides via Slideshare.

I spoke on the Schema 101 – Why the new metadata matters panel – check out all of the tweets from my session – it was info packed!

Schema 201 – Real World Markup for Success took place right after our 101 session, and I was there to see it happen.  This was a nice extension of the 101 session with a comfortable progression in the information.  Here were the highlights:

  • Paul Bruemmer (@PaulBruemmer) shared that Semantic SEO is now a best practice, and I agree.  If you can mark it up with Microformats, then you should – within reason and always ethically and honestly
  • Benu Aggarwal of Milestone Marketing shared a great nugget – she said “Never ask your developers to deploy Schema, they’ll have a heart attack.”  Her advice was to mark some content up and show them how it should look, not to just tell them to do it and see what happens.
  • Johnathan Goodman (@halyardconsult) had some great tips – he recommended, and I second, that if you use WordPress, you use the WordPress SEO Plugin by Yoast.
  • @HalyardConsult also shared that there was no more critical change in search engines than Authorship.  I see this as being extremely important also!
  • I cant remember who shared it, but they did say that Webmaster Tools will now give you Rich Snippet abuse warnings, so take heed.
 After Markup I attended the Authority and AUthorship session – which I was Q&A moderator for.  My Tweets of this session were a little thin because I was watching the question queue, but I was still able to pick up some great information.  Here are the highlights:
  • Bill Slawski (@Bill_Slawski) leads off and mentions his post at Search Engine Land from awhile back on Agent Rank – Authorship Authority is basically the same thing.
  • @Bill_Slawski also shared this tidbit – If you want authoritative sites to link to you, you need to be an authority.
  • Mike Arneson (@mike_arneson) had an energy and tip packed presentation.  He shared his slides with the world here.
  • @mike_arneson suggested that authorship is a future seo signal, open to all at present but over time only those that really maintain authority will be left with a strong signal
  • The problem with Author rank for SEO – it doesnt acknowledge pieces with multiple collaborative authors.
  • Lisa Weinberger (@PearlyWrites) suggested you create your content based on your target audience, if your audience can relate and use your content, they’ll help you establish your authority.
 Want even more SMX East Coverage?  Be sure to check out Day 3 Coverage right now!
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