
Christine Churchill is a pioneer in the field of search marketing. She was a member of the founding Board of Directors of the Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO) and has been a Board member of the Dallas-Fort Worth Search Engine Marketing Association since it was founded. Ms. Churchill holds a Masters Degree in Business and has over 10 years online marketing experience.
Articles by:Christine Churchill

Chris Silver Smith is a long-time search marketer with an extensive background experience in search engine optimization and internet application development. Silver is a regular speaker at major industry conferences and specializes in local search and also writes the Locals Only column at Search Engine Land.
Articles by:Chris Silver Smith

Mike Churchill has over 20 years experience programming in a variety of languages, platforms, and environments. Mike was one of the founders of NetMechanic and served as the Chief Technical Officer from founding until acquisition. Mike is rare find: He is an uber geek who understands and enjoys marketing.
Articles by:Mike Churchill

Jim Gilbert combines a background in mathematics and statistics with practical common sense and business know-how. His attention to conversion analysis insures clients enjoy profitable pay per click campaigns. Jim finds ways to continually enhance PPC performance that help clients succeed even in tough economic times.
Articles by:Jim Gilbert

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